The most daming "matter" expressed by Comey on Thursday was his answer given to Susan Collins (see video)

Understand that Trump suggested video's had been used to record some of the conversations he had with Comey.  That was on a Thursday or Friday.  Comey,  bothered by Trump's video "revelation,"   supposedly woke up in the middle of the night on Monday morning,  and,   decided he had to get his own notes "out there" in the public square.  He is a private citizen,  but,  rather than simply take his memos to the NY Times, himself,  he decided to have a friend do the deed,  and, do so "anonymously."  Clearly,  the threat of taped conversations had Comey worried over that weekend.  Clearly,  he knew his memos were "government property,  so he leaked them via an anonymous  friend without sharing them with anyone within the FBI or Justice,   And,  sadly,  he did this to get an advantage over Trump's video threat,  with the hope of influencing for a special prosecutor.  No doubt his hope was for the fall of President Trump.  At this point in time,  if not well before,  Comey had become a rogue agent with but one purpose in mind, and that was the destruction of the Trump presidency.   You should know that he is a Progressive Republican in line with Mitt Romney and John "Do Nothing but Pout" McCain. 


  1. [Regarding the claim of Executive Privilege]: Since NO LEGAL BASIS for this complaint that Comey leaked, it would constitute more Obstruction of Justice. Trump's lawyer could be charged and imprisoned. That is exactly what happened to WH Counsel for Nixon, John Dean - he went to prison.

    1. No lawsuit entered in, can be used and prosecuted under the circumstances you cite . . . . . none. Apparently, you have a wet dream thinking up this crap, and then run to your computer. Claims and counter claims are typical in courts of law. The losers in such cases are never sent to jail because of their lawsuit filing, per se. Dean served time because of his manipulative involvement in the silly "crime" we know as Watergate, period.
