Liberal crap talk about the 23 miilion and the truth:

On May 4, the House of Representatives bulled through the American Health Care Act, a bill which mostly just cuts taxes on the rich and pays for it by slashing Medicaid to the bone. Republicans deliberately passed it without allowing the Congressional Budget Office enough time to score it, so they could lie more persuasively about what it would do. That CBO score has now come out, and it predicts that TrumpCare will leave 23 million more people uninsured by 2026, and dramatically worsen coverage for tens of millions more.

Editor's notes:  Now,  here is the truth.  The CBO tells us that the Republican plan will reduce monthly premiums,  substantially,  and will reduce the national debt in each of the four consecutive 10 year periods following the passage of the bill. 

So,  what about the 23 million folks no longer insured.  

Does anyone on the Left know that the GOP is not forcing anyone to buy insurance.  Does anyone not understand that when you are forced to buy a policy that demands you spend $6,000 of your own money before your policy kicks in, that demand is nothing but a fraud. At best,  it is "catastrophic insurance" and NOTHING more.

The millions of folks that have such policies are not covered by "universal federalized insurance."   So lets stop wringing our hands over the 23 million folks who don't want insurance,  and,  start worrying about the 120 policies that do not offer coverage until and unless you spend thousands of your own money.  

Also,  keep in mind,  that there are only 10 million folks covered by individual,  non-work related coverage outside of the Medicare/Medicaid programs.  So,  where did this 23 million number come from?  It is only an estimate for the number of people that do not intend to seek coverage.  These are not folks that want coverage and are being denied  . . . . .  period.

We have been told over and over again,  that more people have opted out of coverage than have enrolled.  

Do not fall for the rhetoric that says,  "ObamaCare is great coverage for all of America."  That is just another lie added to all those lies told us in the beginning of the ObamaCare legislative process.  They lied to us then,  and, they are lying to us now.  Take that to the bank.   

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