President signs Executive Order limiting Central Planning participation with Title X programs. The authority to supervise "family planning" with Title X is now a state function.

Update:  The is E.O.  gives the individual states the right to withhold state funds from Planned Parenthood.  

The official Federal view of the purpose/value of Title X is published by the Huffington Post.  Understand that funding for this program is "fungible," when it comes to  abortions.  "Fungible" meaning this:  The Feds can deny that it spends any money on abortions while putting money into a general fund that makes it impossible to account for the expense of those funds.  This little accounting trick,  prohibits the policing of abortion programs funded by the government.  In other words,  "fungible" in this case,  allows Obama to stand at the front door,  deny that abortions are taking place,  while members of the Mill are carrying dead babies out the back door.  ~ editor

 Huffington Post:
  “We should end the day when the largest abortion provider is the largest recipient of [Title X] federal funding,” he said. “What’s clear to me, if you follow the money, you can actually take the funding supports out of abortion. We then have a much better opportunity to move forward to be a society that says yes to life.”
     But what’s actually at stake with the loss of Title X, according a report by the National Family and Reproductive Health Association, is a highly effective program that serves over 5 million men, women and children a year and has prevented 20 million unintended pregnancies and nine million abortions over the past two decades. The report also finds that every dollar invested in Title X saves almost $4 in Medicaid costs for pregnancy-related and newborn care alone.
    “Title X is a core component of the U.S. public health care system and an important source of primary health care for millions of men and women,” says the report. “Especially in this time of tight state and federal budgets, further investments made to strengthen the Title X system will pay hefty dividends.”
(Sourse:  written in 2011) 

Notes:  The above sounds good.  The abortionists on the Left are good with words as they grow their federally funded abortion mills.  Just before Obama left office,  he set up programs that wold insure the roll of Central Planning as it helped to Administer Title X.  At issue,  here,  is the fact that the individual states were prohibited from "interfering" with this program.  

With this Executive Order, President Trump does not dismantle Title X,  as it is a part of ObamaCare.  Instead,  he limits the Feds and allows the states to administer the program.  Good news for those states who oppose federal abortion programs under the guise of "family planning."