How far into a financial hole did ObamaCare and the deceivers who were in control of our government [until January 20th] put this nation?

Josh Fisher,  Graham Fisher Managing Director,  told the listening audience at Fox News,  that beginning in 2008,  the Feds (Obama) placed Fanny and Freddie under government control while it was allowing for TARP.

In that context,  Fisher made this statement to Tucker Carlson,  on Tuesday night.  In 2012,  "to avoid dealing with the Republicans,  the debt ceiling,  sequester, and to fund ObamaCare, the Obama Administration took  Fanny and Freddie's profits going forward at the point that they were about to become profitable again, have now taken hundreds of billions of dollars.  We don't know where that money has gone, specifically, but we do know what the purpose was, there has been no accounting, and then the government,  to cover its tracks, for having to come up with this scheme,  frankly to avoid tax and spend clause,  ends up claiming executive privilege on over 11,000 documents, that they won't unseal,  and, frankly, until we see those documents,  we're not really going to know the cost of ObamaCare,  we're not really going to know where that money went, and we shouldn't even be thinking what we do on housing finance reform."  

Tucker asked. " You are fairly certain that this money, from Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac,  wound up funding  ObamaCare or filling shortfalls?"

Fisher:   "Correct.  and, you know , that that is one of the things that happens.  So, on a quarterly basis,  when the GSO's are profitable,  the government takes all of their earnings,  puts it into the general treasury funds. They're not considered part of the budget for appropriation purpose.  There has been no accounting of what happened to those funds,  where they went.  And,  again,  the government has claimed executive privilege.  Now,  keep in mind,  these are not issues of national security.  So,  why they would claim executive privilege on 11,000 documents when most of the people who are involved in the Obama Administration White House Treasury in doing this,  are now working for big Bbanks,  too big to fail banks,  not even big banks but too big to fail banks, and really pushing for a model that would essentially put community banks out of business,  under spend on Affordable Housing, or,  increase in home ownership [the goal of "Affordable Housing"  ~ editor]  and supporting the too big to fail banks."

Tucker:  "Why would they exert Executive Privilege when it is illegitimate?  Because they can? 

Fisher:  "That's right.   And so this Administration really has an opportunity to expose what is a clear, simple,   and,   straight forward scandal, and just let those 11,000 documents out.  The public has a right to see those."   

Tucker thanks Fisher and that is the end of the interview.  
1.   A comprehensive review of the GSE's  can be found at Wikipedia,  here.  

2.   As a side bar,  the original Midknight Review was shut down by either Google or the Feds at the very end of 2009,  just before Christmas.  There was a news story that detailed the fact that the Democrat congress,  with its super majorities in both houses of congress,  had given Barack Obama the authority to redraw funds from Fannie and Feddie with having to account for that funding.  This came at the same time ACORN,  a black seditious "community organizational concern" sponsoring and working Barack, was defunded because of public pressure.  I suspected that Barack would that some of the money to which he had been authority to "manage,"  and give it to ACORN.  I wrote a scathing article, and,  within three hours,  lost my blot.  You are reading "Midknight Review  -  new and revised"  as my response [four days after the event]  to this authoritarian shutdown.  I have had no such issues,  since. 

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