Colin Kaepernick's socks are the perfect example of an accepted Democrat/Socialist protest.

  He may wear these socks tonight. 


  1. He has a point...

    1. How many fat asses do you count in both political parties? Keapernick is a mulatto raised as a privileged white kid. He has no complaint. If the NFL can tell Dallas "no" to a sticker giving honor to the Dallas cops, they can say no to this societal loser.

    2. Most cops are fat pigs. Fact. Low class, low education.

      Obesity thrives most in the states that support Trump. AR, MS, WV, LA, AL, OK are the fattest states ... These states are also the worst in education. Your America.

    3. FYI: I have mentioned this before but I will not honor a bet made to a hater of this country . . . . . just so you know.

    4. Hate America? You mean like the candidate who portrays America’s cities as hellholes of runaway crime and social collapse? That is running on a platform that America is not great and only he can save it?

    5. So your president runs all over the world apologizing for America, telling anyone who will listen that American is no greater than any other country, and you think we are going to forget his words. Have you not seen pictures of Chicago's "hood," or Detroit, or the black inner neighborhood of just about any city in the USA? all of which are under Democrat/Progreessive slum lord rule. Try to keep up, or buy a newspapaer when you come down from your 1% home on the hill. Our cities are trashed out and the Dems have no solutions. Period.

    6. Yes, I just opened the newspaper...

    7. Again, the crooks and liars at the NY Times get it wrong. The inner cities are a hellhole and everyone knows it. That is what Trump is talking about, and, again, everyone knows that. So grow up and stop trying to make a point by twisting Trumps words.
