Barack uses his position as president to defame and penalize a Trump supporter and successful businessman.

Brietbart and Midknight Review:  Palantir Technologies co-founder Peter Thiel, a [Trump] proposed nominee to the Supreme Court, is evidently paying the price for backing Republican nominee Donald Trump, as the Obama administration has slapped his company with a frivolous lawsuit alleging “racial discrimination” against Asians.
The lawsuit, filed and announced Monday by [Obama's] Department of Labor, threatens the complete cancellation of every contract Palantir has with the federal government — a penalty worth $340 million, the lawsuit claims, which would end the company.
The claims in the lawsuit are laughable. The Obama administration alleges that Palantir, a Donald Trump supporter,   discriminated against Asians. But it has to admit that Palantir, in fact, hired many Asians — 11 out of 25 software engineers, for example. The government does not even bother to claim that Palantir deliberately excluded Asians. Rather, it argues that since only 44% of Palantir’s software engineers are Asian, but 85% of the applicant pool was Asian, Palantir must, statistically, have discriminated against Asians.

Clearly,  the Obama administration,  one which has done nothing for the Asian community over the past eight years,  is simply trying to win an election by trashing a successful  innovator.  While Barack has no knowledge when it comes to creating a business opportunity for others,  no ability to write a balanced budget or manage a company,  still,  he injects himself into our private lives as if he matters.  The sad truth of this matter is this:  Barack is playing the bully in a partisan bid to defame and penalize those who cross his path.  

Of course the lawsuit will be defeated,  but,  in the meantime,  he is scoring points against Trump in similar fashion to his weaponization of the IRS during the 2012 election cycle.  

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