Why are the Dems revisiting Clarence Thomas now? Because they need black turnout and, right now, that is not happening.

The Nuclear Option — War on History: HBO’s High-Tech Lynching of Clarence Thomas Timed for Election Year


Editor's notes:  Why are the Dems revisiting Clarence Thomas now?  Because they need black turnout and,  right now,  that is not happening.   

One of the most sullen human beings in the history of mankind is Anita Hill.  The babe just can't give face-time to a convincing smile.  She was not raped.  She was not assaulted in any way.  Her complaint?  Thomas made "inappropriate advances" on her.  

 Every campaign season,  the Democrats utilize "character assassination" to score points and [try to] win elections.  Every campaign season.  Because this is their strategy,  none of their charges should carry any weight.  

In the case of Clarence Thomas,  nothing of  consequence can possibly come from the new attacks,  except to rile up a black constituency that cannot get angry with the plantation mindset within the Democrat Party.   

Never forget:  it was the Democrats who refused to give freedom to their slaves, and fought a civil war over the issue.  It was the Democrats who invented and wrote ALL of the Jim Crow laws.  It was that party which invented the KKK and murdered more than 4,000 blacks during the "good old days"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   all to the exclusion of anyone in the GOP   . . . .   and the angry black community continues to blame those who fought for their freedoms,  and helped to bring down both Jim Crow and the KKK.   


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