The state of the evangelical church per comments I made on facebook, this morning.

1. Pastor Jeffress (Baptist) has decided that typical Christian values are not as important as is Trumps candidacy.
2. Max Lucado (Church of Christ) basically said the same thing, yesterday.  
Poorly informed statement on my part.   Here is the link to Lucado's statement.   I could not have been more in error.  Sorry for that.
3. Mike Huckabee has spoken kindly of Trump although with some reservation. 
4. Leadership within the Mormon church looks the other as Mr. Evil, Harry Reid, does what he does.
5. Leadership within the Catholic Church looks the other way as Pelosi trashes birth control and the pro-life movement.
6. Christian Bike Ministries make deals with the Devil for the sake of their ministries, as if they needed to do this, as if Christ did the same thing.
7. The European Church and the Russian Church all have made deals with the Devil and look at their influence . . . . compared to the house church Christian movement in China, who stand their ground and are wildly successful, by comparison. (Doid you know that leadership in the Chinese Christian community see the U.S. as a mission field. Geeeee, I wonder why).
8. Karl Barth and Deitrich Bonhoeffer stood their ground and would not compromise in the face of Hitler, while Paul Tillich ran to America rather than stand firm and fight the fight. 

Anyone get the message?? I doubt it.

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