Why I dislike Cruz: There simply was no reason for Cruz to stonewall Megyn Kelly's question, but he did. I don't like "plastic bansnas" and slick politicians. They fool very few.

(CNN reports and we confirm the report):   Over the course of about three minutes on-air, Cruz went from avoiding the question to taking on Kelly directly.
"Do American citizen children, of two illegal immigrants, who are born here -- the children -- do they get deported under a President Cruz?" Kelly asked.
Cruz replied: "Megyn, I get that's the question you want to ask, it's also the question every mainstream liberal journalist wants to ask. They focus exclusively on the 12 million people."
Kelly cut in and asked, "Is it an unfair question?" to which Cruz said, "It is a distraction from how we actually solve the problem."
Cruz said Sunday, on CBS' "Face the Nation," that "birthright citizenship as a policy matter doesn't make sense" and, earlier in his exchange with Kelly on Tuesday, said that lawmakers should examine whether the Constitution must be altered. But he would not go as far as Donald Trump, who has flatly said he would end the practice.