Want to know why blacks stay with the Democrats? Hint: The Marxist oriented black leadership will not allow anyone to escape the Democrat plantation. Ben Carson is a perfect exaqmple.

Pulitzer Prize-winning black columnist Cynthia Tucker is one of the first black liberals to attempt to politically lynch Dr. Ben Carson because his political views are out of tune with the black liberal Democratic chorus.

<<<<    And she has had lots of practice as a "lynchpin" for the thuggish side of the democrat party.  Tucker is the antagonist who went after fellow
Democrat,  Paula Dean and got her banned from the cooking channels on cable.  She is among the first to blame the cops for black, inner city crime and has occasional meetings with the activist,  Barack Obama. 

In a recent column, angered that a prominent black man would leave the plantation,  she wrote these words:

“  . . . . .    the good doctor's foray into Republican presidential politics threatens to become his epitaph, to overshadow — perhaps even to overwhelm — his academic and surgical accomplishments. He will likely be remembered as the GOP's latest black mascot, a court jester, a minstrel show.”

She is not above the use of 3rd grade name calling:  "Black mascot,” in the GOP,   “court jester,” “minstrel show” are some of her Pulitzer prize winning vocabulary.  words she has actually used on Dr. Carson   . . . . .   a man who is infinitely more successful that this woman will ever be (the reader is encouraged to find a description of the woman's undergraduate degree from Auburn).

Understand that the quote, above, is not a Tucker prediction,  but,  rather,  a declaration of intent as she works to ensure that Dr. Carson cannot escape her negative and baseless description(s) of the man.  She is nothing less than an overseer for the Progressive Plantation, 

As Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., has said, “one of the most threatening places to be in politics is a black conservative.”

Overseers like Tucker don't dare denigrate Jewish or Hispanic conservative politicians with such language — that's reserved for blacks like Carson — so he had better get ready for more.

Understand that other ethnicities publicly  respect their own.   One seldom sees Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., or Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas,demonized simply because they are Hispanics with a conservative point of view. 

Text written in collaboration with http://sarasotapatriots.org/Ben.    

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