The ugly truth about FAA and TSA federal jobs: They are going to the most unqualified and our lives weigh in the balance.

FAA is dumbing down the tests to qualify for flight control jobs.  The FAA recently refused to to consider 3,000 qualified military folks with experience,  preferring to hire "off the street."  

And why is this happening?  Because the Marxist Progressives in government,  view FAA and TSA jobs as opportunities for minorities,  more than for best qualified personnel.  Understand,  for the most part,  these are folks who could not score high enough to get into college, but are in charge of the health and safety of one of the most vulnerable terrorist opportunities on earth. 

Anyone tired of being "fair" to the ignorant and unqualified?   There are jobs for these people,  but not when our life and safety are at stake.  We need the best qualified, in these positions   . . . .   not a population of unqualified folks from "off the streets." 

Related articles: 

The TSA has hired 110,000 people in last six years;  67,000 of them have quit been fired.  It takes $20,000 to train each of these folks.  Anyone see a problem? 

FAA changes hiring practices for air traffic controllers ignoring qualified students and vets

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