Beginning with 2013, those who identify as "pro-choice" are on the rebound, but . . . . .

Keep in mind,  it was just last year that pro-Lifers out-numbered pro-abortion.  More than this,  the situation,  today,  represents a major "loss" for the pro-death crowd,  compared to pre-1995.  Finally,  this bit of news, should not over shadow populace opinion favoring health regulations on abortion mills,  the defeat of late term abortions,  and the setting a time limit (20 weeks) to making an abortion decision.  The realization that tearing an unborn apart,  during an abortion,  is painful to the unborn, is also,  gaining traction in this debate.   


  1. Anti abortion rights is a religious imperative. As we see religiosity on the decrease, the christian fetus fetishists will also decline.

    1. I am pro-Life and pro-civility. The Hitlerites, on the Left, think pulling a 3rd trimester unborn into pieces, for the sake of "choice," is not only a cool thing to do, but the duty of a host who does not want to be a mother.
