"Homeland," the series, is under fire from Pakistani Islam. Here is why we shouldn't care what they think:

Editor's note:  As things stand at this point in American history,  Central Planning still does not control our media,  except as the media surrenders itself to the Feds.  An example is  "Homeland," a very popular show series on HBO, or, is it Showtime?   Pakistani officials,  who pretend to be a "close partner and ally" of the US, despite its past allegiance to Osama bin Laden,   are actually complaining about the negative role it plays  in the Homeland series.  What this bunch of pagans do not understand is the fact of their unpopularity in this country.  "Homeland" is a very popular program series precisely because it mirrors how "we the people" see foreign borne Islam and the evil it either initiates are supports.  More than this,  they do not understand that American's are free to choose what they will believe.  Such is not the case in theocratic Islam outside of this country.  Understand that secular Islam is not nearly as repressive.  There is a higher degree of religious tolerance in Lebanon and Egypt,  for example,  both secular governments.  In fact,  Assad,  King of Syria,  is,  himself,  an Islamic secularist, continues to protect of Christian liberties in that country.  In fact,  that is a primary reason for the continued fighting in his country.  "They" want to end Christian freedoms in Syria and Assad refuses to do so.   (Shocked to read that?  You should be.  Get rid of Assad,  and thousands of Christian,  in that country,  will die in the weeks immediately following,  no thanks to morons such as Lindsey Graham and John McCain).  As much of a supporter of Islam as is Hussein Obama,  the show series continues.   The fact remains that we Americans are quite free to express our views and choose what we will believe.  I mean,  H Obama is "president"  because [even] the willfully ignorant have rights,  in this country.  

Out of the NY Post:  Pakistani officials are furious with Showtime after watching the fourth season of its hit show “Homeland,” which they say portrays their country as an ugly, ignorant, terror-plagued “hellhole.”
The diplomats took copious notes of every slight while binge-watching all 12 episodes — including the lack of greenery in the depiction of the nation’s capital, Islamabad.
They complained directly to producers of the Emmy-winning drama, but their gripes fell on deaf ears, Pakistani sources said.
“Maligning a country that has been a close partner and ally of the US . . . is a disservice not only to the security interests of the US but also to the people of the US,” Pakistan Embassy spokesman Nadeem Hotiana told The Post.

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