Accepting yourself is at the heart of a gracious Christmas wish for you all.

<<<  Me (your friendly editor) and the Babe.  

Speaking for myself, the single most important "divine" concept of all time, is that of "sovereignty." You might agree without knowing exactly what that word means when applied to a forgiving and accepting God. Again, speaking for myself, it means that nothing I might do, puts God in a corner, ties his hands, keeps him from saving me.

All those sins that "so easily beset us?" Well, He is not defeated by those sins, existent and disturbing as they are. Most of you will not share that "secret" sin you have been dealing with for years and years. You have gone to seminars, bought books, listened with rapped attention to a sermon that might be your salvation, your victory.

In the end, none of are perfect, even for a few seconds, in our lifetimes. None of us. There are historical sins, things we do in space and time, and then, there are those things that infect our character, our very personhood. It is one thing to commit adultery, it is another to BE an adulterer. It is one thing to be overweight, it is another to be a glutton in varying degrees. I mean, the list is endless.

I try to be perfect, but it is not an all consuming effort . . . . emphasis on "all consuming." Some theologians speak of our "insoluible dialectic." Translation: our human nature is flawed without end, in this life. We are not God, you know, and, because of that fact. "perfection" totally escapes us in terms of personal effort.

Today, we celebrate the birth of endless grace and the fact that God in Christ saves us from ourselves. It is our task, among other things, to accept our most inescapable sins without giving them permission to exist. If you cannot accept yourself and your pathetic nature, well, you will be among the unhappy but saved, because of what God began this day, 2000 years ago. Me? I am tickled to death with me, knowing that death holds nothing over me. My prayer for all of you is this: that you figure out how to accept yourself AS A SINFUL MAN. Don't agree? Well, I wish you happiness in spite of yourself . . . . . knowing that God is way ahead of you on this matter.

Merry Christ Mass

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