Unions can no longer force the working poor, on Medicaid, to pay union dues.

<<<  Democrat/socialist unions are definitely not standing with the poorer middle class.  Pam Harris,  a fairly poor mom taking care of her handicapped son,  was being forced  pay to union "fat cat" dues,  the poor paying for the rich.  She fought this,  and,  August the 1st,  she won her case.  The unions will,  now,  have to steal their dues from some other middle class constituency.  

In 2011,  Pam Harris,  a resident in the quasi-commie state of Illinois, took the state's union(s) to court in a complaint stating that,  because she was a healthcare provider for her son via Medicaid,  she was being required to pay union dues that were used for political purposes not to her approval.  She began a challenge to this circumstance,  on behalf of the 400,000 healthcare providers in her state forced to pay union dues.

On August 1,  the case was finally decided as unContitutional by the Supreme Court,  in a 5-4 decision.

The verdict,  forces the return of illegally collected dues.

There was a time when unions earned their keep,  in the American scheme of things.  But,  in these last days,  unions have been taken over by Marxist/Socialist rule,  and have become part of the enemy within that we have feared was coming,  back in the day when Nikta Khrushchev told us all,   that America would fall from within.

Well,  that time is now,  as in "right now."  You can label the national leadership currently in power Communist,  Marxist,  Utopian One-Worlders,  Jihadist,  Occupy,  Progressive/Liberal,  or socialist,  but whatever the label,  the modern day Democrat leadership is not patriotic,  if we define "patriotism" as an alignment of current values with those embedded in the 236 year history of this once great nation.

The battle is never won,  in a final sense,  but it does appear that a tide against Modern-day Marxism is being reversed.

The decision,  is added proof of that claim.

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