If the 2012 election, Democrat lies included, was held today, Obama would lose in a landslide.


  1. How some elections are 'won'

    1. You can quote all the Marxist crap you can find. This remains: ObamaCare failed in its first five scheduled Senate votes. In fact, the Senate could not pass the bill and changed the rules in order to get that last (6th) vote. Nobody wanted the law as written but the hooksters that have taken over the Democrat party. Romney was the most qualified candidate in the 2012 election cycle so the Marxists working to move this country away from Constitutional law lied about his body of work and laughed at his warnings about alQaeda and Iraq. Turns out he was right about all this, but the Takers wanted more of their free meals and paid phones, so he lost, but in a close election. THAT's how the Dems win any election on a national scale.
