Black holes and the Big Bang - maybe science got it wrong in these two matters - so says a fellow scientist.

Black holes do NOT exist and the Big Bang Theory is wrong, claims scientist - and she has the maths to prove it s

  • Scientist claims she has mathematical proof black holes cannot exist
  • She said it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity
  • Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton said she is still in 'shock' from the find
  • Previously, scientists thought stars much larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes when they died
  • During this process they release a type of radiation called Hawking radiation
  • But new research claims the star would lose too much mass and wouldn't be able to form a black hole
  • If true, the theory that the universe began as a singularity, followed by the Big Bang, could also be wrong
Source:  Daily Mail on a story out of the University of North Carolina.

Since Science got the number of planets in our galaxy wrong,  why not this??


  1. Gawd knows the answer....

    1. And you are more educated in this field than the scientist???

  2. The reader must know that I took no position. Mr Anonymous is the one challenging the conclusion of a qualified scientist, not me. And what is the track record of "science?" It has just learned how to count the number of planets in our galaxy. It told us that eating more than three eggs a week would kill us all. It supports body mutilation know as "gender reassignment," as if that really can happen. It predicted N.Y. City would be under 20 feet of water by now. It predicted a siege of level 3 to 5 hurricanes, in the Gulf, after Katrina (2005). There has not be a single such storm hit shore, since that junk science prediction. There was the hunger bomb - science telling us that humanity would starve to death by the late 1980s. Acid rain was one of the Utopian Science scares. Another misfire by "science." It does not understand why the earth has stopped heating up, despite the continue output of so-called "green house gases." I could name 100 other examples of science not knowing what it is doing when it comes to politics and so-called "discovery."
