Fascism is at the heart of Obama's social agenda for this great nation. Don't agree? Maybe you should take up reading, as a hobby.

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  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms:authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorshipdespotismautocracyMore
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

Editor's notes:  So goes the definition on Google.  Perhaps accurate if we lived in Europe,  but fascism is a Left-wing system,  in this country.  Setting aside the fringe population,  there is no one in Patriotic America working for an authoritarian,  nationalistic system of governance and social order.  

Clearly, however,  this is the very agenda of Obama. On every level -- whether religious,  local and state governance,  the expansion of federal welfare,  increased taxation of the working class with distribution to other elements of society in mind,  the defeat of law and order,  the neutering of representative government (i.e. circumventing congress),  an open borders/One World agenda, the advancement of one party rule,  support given to anarchist groups such as Occupy,  the use of federal agencies to punish descent,  Project 21,  or, the end of private property rights -  Obama is working at fever pitch to "fundamentally transform the United States of America."  

Of course,  he is not smart enough to pull this off,  but he has plenty of time to make a fool of himself and a mess of this great nation. 

I could go on,  but the point of this post is the declaration that we are moving into a fascist state that includes the loss of personal rights and freedoms. 

Don’t believe me?  Fine.  Just keep this warning in mind.  To date,  folks like myself,  have been proven correct in our predictions as to Obama and his Marxist tendencies.  See if the test of time does not prove conservative fears to correct.  So far and to date,  our track record with pretty dang good.   

Never forget this description of H Obama's intentions:  

full quote from May of 2008:    MICHELLE OBAMA, speaking Puerto Rico: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."


  1. Common. Fascism a "left wing" deal? You really don't know how to read, do you. Bet these articles are all writting by one of your grandkids. You can't find a dictionary definition that fits your fantasy definition. And, I bet this is not the last time you try to make this ridiculous claim. No wonder you didn't finish school. You couldn't.

    1. Go back to top of page and read the definition. If you leave off the "right wing" crap, the definition reads like this: "an authoritarian and nationalistic . . . . system of government and social organization." It doesn't take a genius to know that this is EXACTLY what is going on, today, with the anti-Reagan importer living in our White House . . . . exactly.
