He thought he could sit around and do nothing on the international front, and have plenty of time to get his golf game right, to give speeches, and to raise political cash. Turns out, he was wrong.

Editor’s notes:  Indeed,  if Obama sat around long enough,  this disastrous alliance between two evil powers was going to take place.  Now like SyriaLibya,  whatever is happening in Egypt,  North Africa and the Boko Haram,  Russia and the Crimea takeover,  and the growing influence of both China and Russia in  South America,  if you sit around long enough making "a good golf score" your highest personal goal,  the incessant giving of speeches and raising political cash, your highest political priorities,  this sort of thing was bound to happen.  

Now,  after five stinking years of playing word games,  the time to do something about Iran is passed    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   we told you so.  

It’s a rule of foreign affairs politicking,  that is irresistible:  run from your responsibilities,  create a void/an opportunity for evil to fill,  and that will happen.  

Either Obama is not aware of this “law of nature,”  or he does not care.  I am not sure which is worse.  Updated thought: I do know Obama and the roofing contractor who said this,  have a lot in common:  "If it isn't raining,  you don't need a roof repair;  if it is raining,  it is too dangerous to work on the roof."  


  1. Your lists are getting repetitive and boring, full of lies and, therefore, meaningless. "Nature" has nothing to do with politics.

  2. One of the first "tools" of rote education is repetition. It is why my generation knew how to write a check and fill out a resume and your generation does not. boring? Let me tell you what "boring" is: Its Bush's fault, you lied about WMD's, al Qaeda is on the run, 2010 - the summer of recovery, jobs created and saved, I am angry as hell and that means something will get done, I read about it in the papers . . . . . get the drift?
