She tells us why she turned Democrat; I tell why I moved away from the Democrat Party.

<<<< She is second from the right,  wearing the blue t-shirt, and smiling as if she were really happy, proving, of course, that ignorance is [really] bliss.    

She voted for Bush 43 in 2000,  but does not tell us why she did not vote for Gore. 

I am a Democrat because I believe in science.  Climate change cannot, and should not,  be ignored.  I believe in a social safety net, and in helping my fellow citizens through hard times.  I believe in a living wage.  I am tired of seeing the middle class decimated by policies that benefit the super rich.  I want money out of politics, and I'm tired of the rich buying elections.  I do not believe that religion belongs in our government, or in our public schools.  I believe that voting should be made easier for all, not made harder for those who just don't vote the "right way."  I believe healthcare is a right, not a privilege for those lucky enough to afford it.  I believe women should be paid equally with men for their work, and I believe that abortion is a choice for a woman, her doctor, and her God (if she believes in one) only.  I believe people who love each other and want to marry should have that right, regardless of their sexual orientation.  I believe in equality and opportunity, and I will continue to fight for all my fellow citizens to have those things.  (you can read her story at the Daily Kos,  here).  

Editor's notes (updated for textual changes - a few): I am 68 as I write this post. I graduated from high school in 63 and went to college as a uninformed and unwitting Democrat. My family had been "Democrat" since the beginning of time, and the liberal mantra was most appealing to me. JFK was a hero at that time in my life. As a very young observer, I knew he reduced taxes, cared very much for the poor, invented the Peace Corp (pronounced "core" for all you Obama supporters), and, was more the modern day "Republican," than what exists within the Democrat Party, today. 

By the time Jimmy Carter came along, I was somewhat discouraged with the whole political picture. JKF was dead, his brother and Martin Luther King, Jr., had been summarily murdered - all killed by men who claimed the name of Southern Democrat and/or the mob. And then there was the Viet Nam War, a war inherited by Nixon but started by a Democrat Socialist, LBJ. No one ever made a compelling case for that war, and the reason for its waging remains a mystery to me. So, I listened to Carter, a man who campaigned as a Washington "outsider,' promising to change the political scene and reform the way we did business. I campaigned for the man and was an enthusiastic supporter. Time would prove him to be the last Democrat presidential candidate receiving my vote. 

Four years after his inspiring election, we - as a nation - were in the throws of a historic recession with 13% unemployment and 21% interest on home mortgage lending. The world came to a screeching halt - far worse in many ways than what we are experiencing today.    I was a young and aspiring licensed engineering contractor, at the time. 

Unemployment in my trade rose to above 60% and remained at that level for more than four years. "We" were the last of the professions to go back to work when the recession was finally ended by Ronald Reagan's persistence and genius.   Carter? Turns out he didn't have a stinking clue as to the economy . . . . . not a clue. And there was that 444 day Iran hostage crisis thingy -- a crisis that ended within 5 hours of Reagan's inauguration (seriously, 5 hours !!!! --- after Carter and his 444 days of wide-eye, peace at any cost, "negotiations").

The war on poverty had failed, devolving into nothing but years and years of campaign promises by the Democrats, using the poor as a perpetual door to the "next election campaign" (they are still doing that, you know). By the mid-1970's, the radical environmentalist (read "socialist clowns") had taken over the Democrat Party's agenda, and had begun their decades old campaign of fear, scaring us all as to the effects of "acid rain," the depletion of the ozone layer (we were all going to fry) and global . . . . . . . . . . uh . . . . . . . . . . . cooling. That's right, "cooling" was our great fear, at the time. 

And the woman, writing the above, thinks the Dems are the party of science. Geeesh. This is the same party that has been on the wrong side of global/atmospheric disaster for decades and now tells us that you can change your sex by simply saying, "I am now a woman." I mean, how "scientific" is that rhetorical crap? 

Me? I believe in equality for all, as relates to opportunity at all levels, but being a conservative does not force me to change my political persuasions. Gay marriage? Fine with me as long as "they" do not criminalize my vocal disapproval. Unions? Again, "fine with me" as long as they allow me to work outside their membership, as long as they pay their own way and do not come running to me as a taxpayer, sniveling and begging me to bail them out of their financial over-indulgence. And I believe we had universal healthcare, in this country, long before ObamaCare. "Back then," it was called Medicaid and Medicare and, guess what, these two programs will receive 80% of those going into this "new" and "universal" heathcare program . . . . . so why do we need 120 new federal agencies and 5 trillion dollars worth of debt for ObamaCare? What were the reasons, again? 

What is intolerable to me, is this: the anonymous "noteaforums" of the world, want to force me to comply with their standards and their One World, Utopian agenda. They - and she - want to force me to look like them. They hate my God and my Jesus and they can go to hell on that one (pun intended - rather clever, no?). More than this, they want to destroy the centuries old historicity of this great nation. They are lawless in their social reform and more "science deniers" than anyone can imagine. 

Unlike "them," I see "government" as a necessary evil (read "very evil"). Exclude the Federal Government for just a moment, and what do we have? Chaos? Hardly !! We have state run governance; county run governance; city and municipal run governance; a national guard/state run military system with dictatorial power over the citizenry; local police forces with court appointed and legal powers that can rule the day in the absence of any other governmental authority. Our colleges and university system often runs rough-shod over conservative faith and opinion - a form of governance within itself. There is the court system, federal/local, criminal/civil, trial/appellate . . . . . . . more government. Grocery stores tell us what we must pay for our food and public utilities order our residential comfort; banks govern most of our buying habits and give us opportunity to own our own homes. We have the IRS running our lives and . . . . . well . . . . . . . I could go on. But you all get the point. We have government up our wazoo (no pun intended). And the Dufus population of this country, thinks we need more government . . . . . . . . . . . Good grief.

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