In the eyes of B Hussein Obama, MSNBC is the mainstream media, now-a-days, and they [also] despise our nation's beginnings. They just added another anti-colonialist to prove my point.

Meet the newest face at MSNBC (Ronan Farrow) while I remind you all that this is the network of choice for Barack Obama.  Last week,  he held a “top level” private meeting with “members of the press.”  Three of those invited were hosts on MSNBC.  Juan Williams,  an analyst at FoxNews and a liberal pundit, himself,  was also invited (surprisingly).  What did not make the news cycle is the fact that no one from the “three majors” was invited;  no one from ABC, NBC, or CBS,  which should tell you more about the radical,  anti-US nature of the Progressive/Socialist movement now in power.  The “majors” are simply too “objective” to be of service to Obama. 

Update: It also tells us all that Obama prefers name calling,  slander,  outright lies and classless immaturity when he is under attack,  or his media preference would not be MSNBC.   

Thanksgiving: because genocide is a lot more festive 392 years after the fact.

Farrow is the 25-year-old son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, which tells you just how radical are his parents.  The Daily Caller,  gives us this description:   

He has impressive professional and academic credentials, graduating from college at 15 and Yale Law School at 21 before being named a Rhodes Scholar at 23. He also allegedly worked for Hillary Clinton and the late Richard Holbrooke at the State Department.  

I find the Caller's use of "professional . . . .  credentials" rather humorous,  in view of the fact that he has no professional experience,  if you are measuring "experience" against a backdrop of white and blue collar realities.  He is a privileged white kid,  with the practical experience of a duck and the smarts of an untested Utopian ideologue.  The quote above,  one of his latest tweets,  makes clear his angst at traditional America and its roots.  

If you read this blog on a regular basis,  you know of my claim that the Progressive/socialist cabal is "anti-colonial" at its core.  By that I mean what is on display with the Ronan Farrow tweet.  There is nothing about the founding of our nation that is endearing to this bunch of patriot impostors   . . . . .  nothing.  

They believe we took this country away from an established civilization,  that we killed "at least 90%" of them when establishing the 13 colonies, that the subsequent charters,  the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and its amendments  were all illegal and the work of white slave traders.  And,  they are arrogant in their beliefs and condescending in their defense of same.  To confirm some of my charge,  go to for an example of the "up your nose" discussion of many of these issues.  

Note: When you read this article,  keep in mind the following:  a "successful [Viking] colony" does not fail within 24 months of its creation;  the native population is numbered at between 100 nillion and 20 million individuals - which begs the question of "Which is it, 20 or 100 million?" and offers no proof that more than a few thousand nomads lived up and down the East Coast in 1640 or at the time of Columbus; the claim that European invaders killed  "at least" 90% of the native population would mean,  of course,  there could not have been enough native population to stage a serious "military" response to the evil colonialists in the Indian Wars  fought by George Washington and the colonialists prior to 1776.   

In the end,  it gets complicated as one deals with the many lies told by the Far Left about this nation's founding.  Suffice it to say,  this bunch of cowards would have never left Europe,  much less established a nation like ours.  While considered "academics,"  none of them have the political instincts to craft a representative democracy.  Look at their agenda,  today.  They want to criminalize opposition influence and speech and run this nation in total disregard for minority opinion - all of which is the very opposite of a representative democracy.    Doubt me?  Understand that ObamaCare has not had a single month in which polling data has shown support for the bill itself.  The idea of universal healthcare is very popular.  ObamaCare is not nor has it ever been the majority's preference yet it was passed into law by a leadership not responsive to majority opinion. 

The majority of American's believe it is wrong to use the IRS to target one's political enemies.  Most believe Benghazi needs to investigated further and 70% of the voting public no longer believes that "global warming" is the crisis the Progressive/Socialists claim it to be  --  but the Left cares nothing for public opinion.  They are driven by their socialist agenda,  not the "will of the people" and they will enslave a whole nation if that is what is demanded for the advancement of their agenda  . . . . . .   believe that !!  

If the past five years has not exposed the Left for what it is,  such will never happen.  2014 AND 2016 will tell us much as to the future of Socialist/Liberalism.  


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