Common Care - the role it plays as part of the Progressive/Socialists agenda over the course of the next 50 year.

From,  because no one else will report this story:  

Proponents of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) often insist that the new standards are not a federal takeover of education. Actually, Common Core supporters could be right in one sense: Common Core is not so much about a nationalization of education as it is part of a world-wide initiative that may ultimately serve to make American values and practices secondary to global sharing.

Writing at Crisis Magazine, journalist Mary Jo Anderson asserts that Common Core is nothing less than the latest attempt by the U.N. to impose on the United States a globalist perspective with the utopian goals of worldwide peace, environmental sustainability, and economic fairness. In that context, Common Core is part of the Obama administration’s “transformational” education plan that places emphasis on global relationships rather than a unique American culture.

It is commonly known that Common Core is being financed with more than $150 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In addition, the Gates Foundation has collaborated with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

In 2004, Gates’ Microsoft Corporation signed a Cooperation Agreement with UNESCO to develop a “master curriculum” which would include benchmarks and a testing program. According to the agreement, “UNESCO will explore how to facilitate content development.”

In the Agreement, UNESCO maps out its intention to establish “Knowledge Communities,” which it defines as “web-based communities of practice in UNESCO’s fields.” The goal is to create, through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) throughout the globe, communities without borders, in a sense, so that all students around the world are learning similar content and sharing knowledge. As many Americans are aware, Common Core relies heavily upon increased broadband width. In at least some states and local school districts, total reconstruction of Internet capabilities has been necessary  . . . . . . .   you may want to finish reading this article,  here.  

Editor's notes: Two of my daughters are school teachers,  one is in elementary education and the other is a high school math teacher.  Neither see Common Core as being the "devil's ally" that so many on the Right seem to believe. 

By contrast, however, Breitbart's reporting appears to use qualified sources and speaks of serious (as in "real") concerns.  Whatever the case,  as an editor of this small time blog,  I cannot offer a qualified and comprehensive  opinion, as of yet.  Both daughters do not believe their autonomy as a classroom teacher is being usurpt by Common Core.

What I can say,  at this time,  is this:  It may be the case that AT THIS TIME,  Common Core is not the problem many fear, BUT,  as an extension of the U.N.'s  borderless politic,  [perhaps] the foundation is being laid for a much more aggressive application in the years to come  . . . .   In fact,  I rather think this is the case.  

There is no doubt that the Left has taken major strides over the past several decades,  in its march to the goal of State sponsored control of our youth.  As parents,  many of you cannot sit in a public school classroom to analyze instructional techniques and content.  In many school settings,  it is illegal to record class instruction.  In most if not all school districts,  text book content is written and approved by "politically minded educational personnel" from outside the particular region and far removed from parental review and approval.  THAT has already happened and such goes to the historic curve documenting the move away from local and state control and into a solitary educational model  that is anti-religious,  anti-true science,  anti-family and pro-central governance.   

Again,  that is already the case.  There is reason to believe, therefore,  that Common Core is a process that will continue the advancement of Central Planning and the Utopian minded Progressive/Socialists work to develop a cultural mystic that benefits the larger society.  Certainly,  it does not work against central planning and the continued depletion of Constitutional authority, liberties and values. 

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