Inflation Report, part 1 of 2 - Inflation reporting is the biggest game in town and it is all played on the backs of seniors and those in the Medicare program.

Understand that a huge cost to the Federal Government is the cost for keeping its promises to the Senior/retired citizen class.  

While the Socialist/Progressives love to talk about the "raging successes" of Medicare and Social Security,  such is true ONLY if no one considers the actual cost of those programs.  

Social Security is more than 17 trillion in debt to itself (no - most of the money you receive via SS was NOT taken out of your paycheck - it is an entitlement in every sense of the word);  Medicare payouts are 42 trillion in the hole.  As a result,  the pressure is on Central Planning,  comrade,  to lie to the American people in a desperate effort to cut costs to these two bloated programs.  

In the early 1980's the Feds stopped counting foods and fuel costs (transportation and residential).  And.  soon,  Central Planning, comrade,  with help from Establishment Republicans,  will use a newly reconfigured  Consumer Price Index to further cut its promised financial obligations to seniors and those on Medicare.  Here is a summary of what is and what is about to happen:  

Consumer Price Index Has Been Reconfigured Since Early-1980s
So As to Understate Inflation versus Common Experience
  • CPI no longer measures the cost of maintaining a constant standard of living.
  • CPI no longer measures full inflation for out-of-pocket expenditures.
  • With the misused cover of academic theory, politicians forced significant underreporting of official inflation, so as to cut annual cost-of-living adjustments to Social Security, etc.
  •  Politicians look to expand further the concept of artificially-suppressed cost-of-living adjustments in current budget-deficit negotiations, through the use of the Chained-CPI (see Special C-CPI Supplement at end of this document).
  • Use of the CPI to adjust retirement benefits, private income or to set investment goals impairs the ability of retirees, income earners and investors to stay ahead of inflation.
  • Understated inflation used in estimating inflation-adjusted growth has created the illusion of recovery in reported GDP.