An open letter to McCain.

<<<<  McCain -  he and his true allies on the Left and,  to think,  many of us voted for this piece of work.  

Mr McCain:

This statement "But there are a number of members of Congress who have primaries and when those primaries are done, they may be more inclined to address the issue of comprehensive immigration reform"* demonstrates the degree to which hypocrisy works in your political life,  as a matter demonstrable policy.  

And while you rant and rave about Ted Cruz,  there are those of us who know that your pro-ObamaCare vote during the so-called "shutdown crisis" was a minority vote within the GOP,  that Cruz stood with 162 other Republicans (in both houses of congress) while you stood with 116.  

No one has done the GOP more harm than you,  with your feckless and benign campaign in 2008.  

More importantly, you have done nothing about the Benghazi murders and pretend that Obama's "rules of engagement" are not killing our soldiers  -  the deaths of the 17 Navy Seals as their helicopter was shot down while our gun ships watched but did nothing,  is a perfect example of the current policy regarding rules of engagement,  and demonstrates how convoluted your moral values are.  You are no military hero in my book.     

Go ahead and make another run for President and see what happens.  You are more despised that you apparently understand.  Jerk.  And to think that I voted for you.  


*  McCain's words,  above,  can be found in this Breitbart report: