A Socialist/Progressive thinks that capitalism is represented when an Imperial Presidency tells others what they must buy "for their own good." See the video - a contentious confrontation between Megyn Kelly and Rep F Pallone.

Rep. Frank Pallone: The bottom line is if you’re selling a lousy policy with a price that’s too high nobody’s going to buy it. So they’re cancelling these policies because they know people won’t buy them.
Megyn Kelly: But they were buying them. They were buying them. 15 million people who bought them and said “I like them”, Mr. Pallone.
Pallone: They’re not going to buy them anymore when they have a better alternative.
Kelly: Thanks to you!… Why do you get to decide what’s lousy?
Pallone: It’s capitalism.
Funny.  This Socialist clown thinks "capitalism" is expressed when Central Planning,  comrades, gets to tell others what they need,  how much they can pay for it,  and why their existing policies are not longer allowed.  Sounds like an imperial presidency to me,  but what do we all know about the beginnings a "rule by dictator?"