Today, Obama decided to negotiate a tax cut deal in the media, in a speech, rather than in Washington, in his office, with members of congress. Here is what Paul Ryan had to say about this latest bit of Chicago style showmanship

Today, in a speech in Chattanooga, Tenn, President Obama said he's interested in tax reform for corporations -- but not for families or small businesses. Once again, the president is playing favorites.
It isn't the first time. He wants to give some businesses relief from ObamaCare. But he refuses to give the same relief to families. He wants to funnel money to his green-energy cronies. But he refuses to let us develop our energy resources and create good-paying jobs. He wants to give big banks a backstop -- and a leg up on community banks.
The president claims his economic agenda is for the middle class. But it's actually for the well-connected. There's no doubt that it works well for them. But for the rest of us, it's not working at all. Today we have record poverty and high unemployment. For too many families, the American Dream is out of reach.
What the president is really offering is to replace government by the people with government by the experts. So he might call his plan a grand bargain. But I call it a raw deal.

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is the chairman of the House Budget Committee.

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