This might come as a surprise to all, but Romney may be winning the war of words.

 After coming under much criticism for his nothing-burger Rose Garden announcement parroting  [in part] Hillary's earlier comments regarding the deaths of four US embassy personnel,  Obama has decided to back off a couple of his comments.  

For starters,  Libya has been "downgraded"  from a partner to something less that a full-on ally.  Word has gotten out that the killings in Libya were known to the Libyan government weeks before the incident,  and were carefully planned to take place on 9/11.  Why Obama did not see the symbolism of 9/11 to those who hate us  is beyond me.  Why security was not increased and CIA information not shared are becoming  serious questions facing our Novice Whatever.   Coupled with the fact that he has not taken his intelligence briefings seriously,  the issue of a planned and orchestrated attack of our  Libyan embassy on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is becoming a real threat to his hopes for re-election . . . . . . . .  and he knows its.  

Secondly,  he has backed off his subtle criticism of Mitt Romney and his mild mannered criticism of Obama and statements coming out of his State Department  --  words that were critical of American's who would speak out against Islam.  

Apparently,  internal polls have [already] shown Obama losing the war of words over this week's disaster.  I could be wrong but that is the easiest answer for the sudden turn-around and  - normally - the easiest answer is the best answer.  

An excerpt of the Caller's story follows:  

Daily Caller reports:  “We believe in the First Amendment,” Obama told CBS’s Steve Kroft during an interview arranged days earlier.   “It is one of the hallmarks of our Constitution that I’m sworn to uphold, and so we are always going to uphold the rights for individuals to speak their mind,” he said, according to a transcript narrated by White House spokesman Jay Carney.

The transcript was released several hours after Obama had a Rose garden statement to condemn criticism of Islam.

Carney read the transcript during an impromptu press conference aboard Air Force One as it carried Obama to a fundraiser in Las Vegas.   In another concession to critics of his outreach to Islamist groups, Obama also backed away from Egypt’s Islamist government, which he has supported throughout 2012.

“I don’t think we would consider them an ally, but we don’t consider them an enemy,” Obama said in an Sept. 12 interview with the Spanish-language channel Telemundo.

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