Yesterday, a class act stood face to the face with Barack Obama, a reminder that the White House is not owned by the Marxist hordes.

<<<<<  A classless introduction is met with humor and grace on the part of Bush.  Obama insults Bush  with these words: 

"We knew our economy was in trouble, our fellow Americans were in pain, but we wouldn't know until later just how breathtaking the financial crisis had been."  

Maybe Obama’s insult will help to add context to all of Bush’s comments.  One wonders how much of Bush’s comments were spontaneous and which were prepared.

With G.W.'s awesome performance of yesterday in mind,  I thought this AOL headline was significant:  President Bush Steals The Show at White House,   a headline that takes you to a story in the Huffington Post that says nothing of the kind.

When you review Bush and his acceptance of the White House portraits of he and his First Lady,  you will see a confidence and congenial attitude that is far from the snobbery  of Barack and Michelle.

I thought it very significant that George, introducing his wife,  proclaimed her to be the "best"  First Lady, ever,  as he turned to his own mother and said,  "Sorry, Mom."  And,  with a smile,  he moved on with his remarks,  completely ignoring Michelle Obama, the current "First Lady."

When you learn that Bush's eight and a half minute speech was solely written by G.W. (he no longer employs speech writers), you realize just how significant a statement his "first lady" statement was.   No "current" presidential couple  has ever treated a past president with the degree of disregard as have the Obama's.  Setting their blatant racism aside,  their disrespect for the "transcendence of the office of the president"  is near legend and,  if not "legend,"  certainly "infamous." 

Indeed,  President Bush stole the show. 

Maybe you have seen this before,  but,  this time, listen through 
the ears of the Obama's.  At one point,  George laughs as if saying
"he he he."  See if you find that moment. 


  1. Class act - Pro choice and pro gay marriage Laura Bush looks at her war criminal husband.

  2. Let's see, Bush is a war criminal and Obama is not (?).
