Obama is snubbed for the second time by Russian President Putin. "Reset the Russian/American relationship" my . . . . . . but it ain't true.

<<<<<  Note the love and respect on Putin's face as he listen's to Obama wax elegant.  This is July 7, 2009, the date of the first snub. Putin sent Obama's arch enemy,  George Bush,  "best wishes" just 24 hours earlier,  while Obama was in flight to meet Putin.  If you do not see the insult in this,  it is because you are a moron.  

Remember the G8 Summit,  held on Friday and Saturday at Camp David,  before the Sunday G20 in Chicago this past week?  Remember Putin declining to attend either the G8 or the G20,  choosing, rather, to send his #2 man, instead?  Remember Obama's claim,  this past week, in which he declared world wide respect for the United States,  something for which he is personally responsible?  Remember that idiot "reset button,"  a toy someone on his staff went out and bought and presented to Russian leadership?

Well,  what you do not remember,  because it was never reported by the Lame Stream Media,  is the fact that the newly elected "president" Putin,  also  turned down a one-on-one meeting with Barack "The Naive" Obama,  who had planned a meeting with Putin,  "on the side,"  while at Camp David,  a meeting designed by Obama to discuss bilateral and international issues effecting the singular relation between the Russians and the United States.  Keep in mind that this is two weeks after Obama promised to be "more flexible" with the Russians,  after the coming elections.

Did I say that Putin said "No" to this meeting?  We learned of this diplomatic snafu from the Singapore Press, yesterday.

And this is not the first Putin snub of Barackie Obama.

On July 6th,  Putin sent this memo to President George W Bush while Obama was flying over to Europe to "reset" the relationship with the Russians :

"During the last years we have been working on strengthening Russia-U.S. cooperation. Although there were differences between our countries, I always valued your openness and sincerity," Putin said, congratulating Bush on his 63rd birthday on July 6.   "With special warmth I recall your hospitality in the Crawford ranch and your family estate in Kennebunkport," Putin wrote, referring to their 2007 meeting at the Bush family vacation home when the two leaders went fishing and ate lobster.

You can click to enlarge. Make note of Putin's
facial expression as Obama says whatever he
is saying.  This is a Times picture taken of the
July 7, 2009 meeting. 
What is "special" about this greeting,  is that it was  (a) sent to Obama's declared domestic enemy,  George Bush,  and (b) it was sent at precisely the same time Barackie was traveling to Europe to meet with Putin [the next day - July 7] and other European leaders. The birthday wish was as in-your-face an insult,  as insults get.  You can almost see Putin smiling as he sends off this greeting.  Understand that he and Bush were hardly "pals"  but they had a working relationship that was based upon mutual respect and you see that respect in the "birthday greeting," above.  "Reset" was an ill-advised fantasy of the Left and this "first insult" episode proves that point.       

I cannot over-emphasize this point  [did you notice?] :  to be sending this greeting while Obama was in flight to Europe was almost more than an insult, so much so that the Obama Media did not report the circumstance nor has it ever tied the two events together . . . . . . . . . . . . Putin sending George  W.  birthday greeting while Barackie "I hate Bush's guts" Obama was in the air, on his way to the July 7th meeting.  

Oh, by the way,  the July 7th meeting was declared a "huge success" by Obama and his subservient media (media members were meeting with White House staff each morning,  at the time).  You can read the media report here.    You should know that absolutely nothing came of this meeting.  

Make note:  as you read the Time's article,  there is not even a hint of the insult sent by Putin,  less than 24 hours, earlier.  

Seriously,  the reset button given to the Russians,
looked very much like this - a plastic toy given
to the Russians in the name of resetting Russian-
American relationships.  Geeeesh. 

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