Now, this afternoon, the Washington Post strikes again with its Public Policy Poll (PPP) and this headline: Obama At A High In North Carolina. In this new PPP survey, Obama is ahead of Romney by a margin of one (49 to 48 percent). But, when we go look for the assumptions used in this survey, we discover that the poll questioned 46 Democrats for every 35 Republicans. You can find the PPP justification for this PPP here.
Two polls, each skewed to gain an advantage for Obama, each from the Democrat cabal that works at the Washington Post.
Think about this: if each poll had been fairly administered, Romney would have lead Obama, in North Carolina, by a substantial margin (4 to 6 points) . and would have come out in "tie" with Obama in the national poll.
Not bad considering Romney is having his first day, running without any substantial opposition.
And why the lies? Don't "they" know the truth will be discovered? Of course they know, but "they" also know that these numbers will be the talk of the town, for a period of time. Minds will be shaped and decisions made based on this information. Of course, we are months from the election, but if this deceptive strategy is used on a daily basis for the coming six months, perhaps its influence will be critical in a close election.
Day One in Obama's Campaign for Re-Election
A Far Cry From "Hope and Change"
1. push for the Buffet Rule which will be defeated by Obama's own party, sometime next week,
2. publish two surveys based on admittedly skewed demographics, radically skewed demographics.
3. Begin a media attack on the Mormon Church. Romney is a Mormon and he belongs to a church who had an adulterer as a founder - or so the story goes. While there is plenty of information on this matter, still, the question is this: what does Mormon history have to do with Romney's ability to serve as President? Surely, if Hapless Harry Reid, a Mormon as well, is qualified to serve in the Senate, Romney qualifies for political office as well.
That was "Day One," for Barack Obama's re-election. And why this strategy -- because this Administration has nothing to run on.
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