Rush says "slut" and is punished. Maher uses "tw*t" and "c*nt" and all is well. Obama will keep Maher's million dollar donation. Some Libs see the hypocrisy.

Kirsten Powers, well known liberal
babe and FoxNews commentator.  
In response to the media firestorm surrounding Rush Limbaugh's insulting comments about Democratic activist Sandra Fluke (comments for which Limbaughapologized), Kirsten Powers writes about the liberal men who have used misogynistic 
rhetoric without facing the same outrage. Powers notes that "the grand pooh-bah of media misogyny is without a doubt Bill Maher—who also happens to be a favorite of liberals—who has given $1 million to President Obama’s super PAC." She continues: 
Maher has called Palin a “dumb twat” and dropped the C-word in describing the former Alaska governor. He called Palin and Congresswoman Bachmann “boobs” and “two bimbos.” He said of the former vice-presidential candidate, “She is not a mean girl. She is a crazy girl with mean ideas.” He recently made a joke about Rick Santorum’s wife using a vibrator. Imagine now the same joke during the 2008 primary with Michelle Obama’s name in it, and tell me that he would still have a job. Maher said of a woman who was harassed while breast-feeding at an Applebee’s, “Don't show me your tits!” as though a woman feeding her child is trying to flash Maher. (Here’s a way to solve his problem: don’t stare at a strangers’ breasts). Then, his coup de grâce: “And by the way, there is a place where breasts and food do go together. It’s called Hooters!”
Former White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton, the man who runs Obama's super PAC, did not reply when asked if he will be returning Maher's $1 million donation.  (text from the Weekly Standard)


  1. False equivalency ... Limbaugh is not trying to funny, Bill Maher is. Plus, when a candidate runs for president, he/she open themselves up to criticism. Fluke is a kid, a private citizen. Anyone with a daughter can relate to that.

    Palin IS a moron.

  2. Fluke is a 30 year woman, not a kid. The rest of your explanation is ridiculous. To think that you believe it "ok" to call a woman a cunt under any circumstance is sheer idiocy. You all cannot be more hypocritical . . . impossible.

    Still, "slut" is simply not that bad a word and you know it.

    Look if this woman were in high school, every boy on campus would be trying to poke her, every boy on campus would think she is a slut. You didn't go to high school ??
