Adult stem cells can be converted to embryonic stem cells. Everyone knows this except the Obama and the intellectural Left. Why?

Washington (AP) - An appeals court ruled Tuesday that government funding of embryonic stem cell research can continue for now. The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington granted the Obama administration's request to allow the funding from the National Institutes of Health while it appeals a judge's order blocking the research. . .

Editor's notes: so goes the opening lines of a story found in CNS News. What this blog does not understand is why "embryonic stem cell research." Understand the moral objections to such research; combine that understanding with the fact that adult stems can be converted to embryonic stem cells and maybe you can figure out where we are going before we write the next few sentences.

Maybe not.

What most of the Right and Independents in this country do not understand is this: the Left has as a central strategy a rule against any compromise that is final in and of itself. They - the Left - do not allow for this level of compromise.

Take the issue of "embryonic stem cell search." It has been common knowledge for several years that adult stem cells can be converted to embryonic cells. Understand that the collection of actual embryonic stems cells demands the destruction (read: death) of the embryo. In view of the fact that the destruction of the embryo is no longer necessary, why on earth does the Left and their supporting media continue to present their arguments for stem cell research as if they did not know that embryonic destruction is simply unnecessary? Because, in their own convoluted way, they see this as a compromise that might lead to the complete over-throw of Row vs Wade. It either that or they are just plain mean or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . their ability to comprehend is not as high as conservatives. Take your pick.

Sources for adult to embryonic cell conversions:

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