HuffingPost caught paying for stories on Beck.

Beau Friedlander / The Huffington Post:
$100,000 For Glenn Beck's Sex Tape — What's Your Reaction: — Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers are happy to throw money at the rising tide of right wing lunacy. Breitbart offered $100,000 for JournoList, the email listserve that brought down WaPo blogger Dave Weigel this June. . . . .

Editor's notes: this is how the HuffingPost works - pay money for propaganda they can use against their opponents. We suspect a picture of Beck having "sex" would find this pleasant "stick in the mud" sitting in an easy chair reading Sacred Fire for the fourth time while Mr. Clean, Beau Friedlander, is shut up in a bathroom for hours on end.

You read. You decide.

(And who wants to see a sex tape of the Beckmeister, anyway ??)

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