Obama is one of the most no-class presidents we have ever had. Look at this video as he diss's the Supreme Court.

Obama does not believe in the separation of powers if that principle stands in the way of his agenda. Elsewhere in the State of the Union Address, he was critical of the Senate for not approving a jobs commission and made mention of the fact that he intended to circumvent the Senate's rejection and establish the commission, anyway, using executive order. Of course, he decided early on to avoid Congress by appointing nearly 50 "czars," and as a result, we, THE PEOPLE, have no clue who is running the government, be they Marxists, followers of Mao, or Black Muslims -- seriously.

The man is nothing but an immature novice, angry at a Court that has made it impossible for him to shut down conservative talk radio before the coming elections. The Court's recent decision argued that corporate speech is protected speech. No longer will the Marxist media be the only game in town within 60 days of an election. Note the "straw dog" Obama creates - building on the notion that foreign governments will now be able to influence our elections. Is that suppose to be worse than having a Marxist Media or Black Liberation president running our country?

And all his Marxist buds stood and applauded !! This was not a State of the Union Address. It was a campaign speech, pure and simple -- full of the same tiresome rhetoric we have heard more than 800 times during the past year (yes, that is an actual count). He spent 7 months last year doing nothing but writing and giving speeches. Now, it is campaign season, so he will be doing that while "Rome" burns.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC believes Obama was awesome, that his numbers will definitely improve as a result of this speech. In reality, what Matthews liked was the fact that this Novice in our White House has decided not to change course but has chosen to resist the will of more than 60% of the people. He governs with the same conscience as that of Castro or Hugo Chavez, men with whom he has sought solidarity; men who have rejected him in recent days. No surprise here.

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