More and more bad news for the liberal media (and the lib bloggosphere is having the same problems).

By Matthew Garrahan in Los Angeles – Jan 23, 2014.
CNN has laid off more than 40 senior journalists in its newsgathering operation – including a pregnant producer who was two weeks away from giving birth to twins – as part of a reorganization of the business under Jeff Zucker.
The cutting of production and editorial staff at the Time Warner-owned group comes as Mr Zucker tries to re-establish CNN as the dominant force in 24 hour cable news,a crown it lost several years ago to Fox News Channel. 

The lay-offs at CNN and HLN, its sister network, were concentrated in Washington, Atlanta and Los Angeles at the end of 2013. CNN declined to comment on the laying off the pregnant news producer, who worked for the company for more than a decade, saying it could not comment on individual employees.

Editor’s notes:  I have to laugh every time I see such a story.  Understand that Zucker is intending to add a 100 journalist,  before the end of the year.  Yeah, sure.  And his “CNN” will be back on top within the next 20 minutes,  too. 

The fact of the matter is this:  America is a “center Right” nation,  not a “center Left or socialist” nation.  CNN,  NBC,  Times Inc., and,  the WaPost,  are bucking the populace opinion.  They are kicking against the rocks and are losing that battle.  THAT is the news coming out of this story.  

Related article:  

CNN Hits Lowest Rated Week In Demo Since Jeff Zucker Took Over

By  | Wednesday January 22, 2014 @ 10:16am PST

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