File this post under "The Democrats warring with themselves." The current and godless progressive ruling class has not only divided America, it is tearing the Democrat Party apart at its core.

Wall Street Dems at Third Way love Elizabeth Warren. Honest, they do!

She is a freshman Senator,  and every bit as Marxist as Bernie Sanders ever thought of being.  More than this,  she hates business and its "birth mother,"  capitalism  (as if there was another way of earning money) in the individual exercise that responsible people know as "upward mobility."  

She is one of these clowns who believes that $1.00 of welfare mystically translates into $1.84 worth of economic activity.  She simply does not understand that ALL welfare is financed via a forced and regressive tax system;  that all taxes come from the American people;  that the earning power (that "$1.84") of the entitlement crowd is taken from hard working Americans with the same ability to add to the economy by buying stuff;  that taking from the rich and the blue collar,  hard working,  middle class earning, at least,  $40,000 per year,  is a ZERO SUM GAME.  Nothing advances the economy when you transfer earning power from one class to another class.  

But the point of this post has to do with the Democrats fear as to the politics of this sort of Progressive rhetoric.  More and more of the Democrat Party is coming to believe that this sort of nonsense will never express the populace opinion of the larger American electorate.  Understand this,  any criticism of Elabeth Warren is a criticism of Barack Obama.  They are "peas in a pod,"  Both are Marxist sympathizers,  disciples of Saul Alinsky and pointie-headed academics with no private sector work experience.  They are theorists with no respect for the existing system and the arrogance to believe that their theories will work,  here in America,  when these same theories do not work elsewhere.  


  1. Regarding capitalism ... the stock market is charging under Obama.
    Regarding entitlements... US taxpayers pay 10X more of their taxes in corporate subsidies than they do to support so called 'entitlements'. Trickledown has been proven an abject failure.
    Regarding godless ... the world is less at war now than in previous history with one exception... religious war. "god" has been the greatest inspiration for war and death in human history.

  2. You do know that your side of the aisle hates Wall Street, right? But more than this, Wall Street is "charging" because of a donation of 85 billion dollars per freaking month for the past three years. Its called QE 1, QE 2, and QE Forever. All of welfare funding comes from the taxpayer. Trickledown is the only way wealth "funds" upward mobility . . . . there is no such thing as "trickle up." Welfare is welfare and after you have given it all away, the poor are still poor. And God is never the cause of war; only men who use and abuse the notion and revelation of God. There are no exceptions to this.

  3. The only religious war going on, at this time, is the one Islam is waging against the rest of the world.

  4. a great example of your conservative values...

  5. So libs are more likely to not marry, have same sex partners in the dozens, be atheists, hate constitutional principles, and do drugs. So what?
