The most startling of all conclusions is that which tells us, "Much of the Military is in bed with the One World, social Utopian desires of a 'peace-nic' Administration." Sarah Palin makes my point better than I could.

 Look, U.S. Military top brass, some of us are known for supporting our troops 110%, even encouraging our own kids in their voluntary, sacrificial enlistments. We send them off with blessings as you send them off to war. You keep pulling stunts like this, and how long do you think our military  enthusiasm keeps up? Get a clue, brass. Quickly. You keep up these new double standards and this recent discrimination against Christians, and the greatest military power on earth will soon be “fundamentally transformed” into a weakened, involuntary and unrecognizable mere bureaucratic entity. Obviously you need a new commander-in-chief who sincerely believes in freedom and respects the fact we need to keep our finest keeping us free, but until that time, exert some brass cojones and re-embrace American military ethos.


  1. Do you consider this person intelligent? An intellectual?

  2. She has you and Barack Obama beat to hell. Keep in mind that you pretend to have a PhD - how "intellectual" is that - and Obama does not know how to pronounce "corps," thought there were enough "shovel ready" jobs to ignite a robust economy, and cannot supervise the creation of a website, a website that is not half completed and is a joke to anyone who knows what is going on, a website that could have been built for less than 3 million dollars in a 6 month period of time instead of 1 billion over the course of 4 and 1/2 years WITHOUT first installing the security systems into which all programming should have been added. He has refused to open his transcripts - either high school or college - and has never written a single scholarly peer reviewed paper in his life. This is a man who submitted his own budget proposals for three different congressional votes, proposals so poor written that they failed in his Senate - I say HIS Senate - 99 to ZERO, 97 to ZERO and, in the House, his budget could not garner a single Democrat or Republican vote out of 435 representatives - failing with a 414 to ZERO (neither Pelosi or Reid voted for these proposals) , while the Ryan budget got 228 votes versus 191 "no" votes. You tell me, how dumb do you have to be in order to come up with three "zero's" because you cannot (as in "incapable") write a budget proposal?

  3. This just show where the GOP is today... if they consider Palin a role model, "intellectual", "intelligent leader."

    Wow. Thanks for giving us this.

    Palin attended four different colleges in three different states. Only two of those institutions were four-year colleges. She also changed her major at least twice, beginning in business administration, then switching to general studies before ending up in communications/journalism. Palin has defended her erratic college career by saying she had to work her way through school. However, students who are worried about their finances generally do not attend college in Hawaii. How does anyone attend less than nine full-time semesters at four different schools, two of them community colleges, change their major at least twice, and still manage to get a degree?

    Where are her transcripts?????
