In his announcement this morning, to not seek reelection, Chris Dodd (D-Cinn) did not complain about the issues that have led to his decision to avoid the obvious -- a resounding defeat in 2010. He cites his work on healthcare reform as one of the two most monumental pieces of legislative accomplishments of his career -- accomplishments that now demand his retirement. One would think that he would be admired by the people in his home state. In fact, the very opposite is the case. The coming election promised a startling defeat for this Senator, a Democrat giant in the Senate.
Midknight Review will not list his accomplishments because, quite frankly, we don't care. He has functioned as a dedicated socialist from the beginning and in that circumstance, has distinguished himself as an opponent to Constitutional principles and even the will of the people. While 60% of the people want and expect health care reform, 58% did not want the present bill. What is manifestly clear is the fact that Dodd did not - and does not - care about the "will of the people" and is now paying the price for that arrogance.
What we have in this announcement is a clear indication of pending electoral disaster for the Democrats. The GOP is being reconstituted to reflect the traditional values of that party. The Democrats are about to debate their political destiny as well. While the GOP is dealing with the differences of "moderation" versus a populace grassroots movement, the Dems are being forced to consider Marxism versus European style Socialism. Wow !! What a choice. It is no wonder that the Democrat appeal is limited to those who actually admit to being registered party members. The nation remains a center-right country, Obama's unique election not withstanding.
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