Update: The Administration caught in its lie as to the "resolution" of the Iranian nuclear threat.

"Yesterday,"  we have another lie (there have been hundreds) coming from this Administration and its Domestic Media,  a lie that was offered as "truth" to the American people:  
3-decade gridlock broken: The nuclear deal with Iran in Geneva
By Jim Sciutto and Ben Brumfield, CNN
updated 4:31 PM EST, Sun November 24, 2013

And,  today,  just two months later,  we have a headline out of Iran that surprises absolutely no one except the most partisan of politicians. It spells the end of this idiot's lie.   

I call this "a contrast between the lie and the proven truth:"  

Iranian official on nuke deal: 'We did not agree to dismantle anything'
By Tom Cohen, CNN

updated 6:11 AM EST, Thu January 23, 2014

Editor’s notes:  The big question is this:  Who do you believe?  An Administration that has told more lies,  by count,  than any Administration is modern times,  and Administration that has busied itself with the task of doing favors – for whatever reasons – for the radicalized Muslim Population in the Middle East,  or the leading members of that radicalized Muslim population? 

As it turns out,  we now know that “  . . . . .   and al Qaeda is on the run”  was an outrageous lie,  told to the American people and repeated over and over again ,  for the single purpose of winning an election.  Add to this,  the admitted fact  (with the above headline of the day) that Obama’s announced “success” in ending the nuclear threat posed by Iran,  is another lie of equal proportion.  Sadly,  it is Israel that stands in the crosshairs of this battle of lies. 

We have been told,  from the beginnings of this feckless Administration,  that “20,000” is the magic number when it comes to a nuclear Iran  -  20,000 centrifuges by individual count.  Since Obama has been “president,”  the number of centrifuges in Iran has grown from 5,000 to 17,000,  and this number may be much closer to “20,000” than any of us know. 

There is another “magic number,”  that which sets the limits to a domestic nuclear power source,  and that is “20% enriched” when applied to the Iranian centrifuge stockpile.  You should know that it takes years (one,  two,  maybe three) to take a collection of centrifuges to 20% level.  There is no nuclear weapons opportunity at this level.  The problem,  however,  is found in the fact that only takes days  (weeks, months but not years) to bring that percentage to 90%  and “weapons grade” nuclear status. 

Obama has chosen to ignore Iran’s stated goal as to the nuclear destruction of Israel.  More than this,  he is bent on the strategy of unilateral well wishing,  appeasement and unrelenting trust,  in his negotiations with one of the two most evil powers in our world,  today  (N Korea being the other power in this group). 

There is no good reason for trusting and providing aid to a nation that promises the total destruction of Israel.  In fact,  if there is an attack,  this Administration would be liable for the event,  and proven “criminal” in its conduct.  It is a shame that we have to wait for disaster before the American people will see this act of hubris for what it is.    

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