Alrighty !! Here we go with our biggest list of the week:
Fallacies and Failures
No particular order:
Obama promised to reduce the "fine print" of home purchase contracts. Fannie paper work is 120 pages; Freddie is 150 and FHA can be 200 pages.
He made fun of Bush for spending. His 111th congress spent more than all previous congresses combined. We are saying that the 111th spent more than all of government spending since the days of George . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Washington, including all of George Bush's spending.
Most have forgotten that Obama took the Communists' position against the Honduran leadership and threatened to cut off aid to that country. He didn't follow through on his threat and never tried to explain why he sided with Chavez, Castro and other Communist leaders during this Honduran Constitutional crisis.
LINK. Cash for Clunkers ran out of money during its first week (that is a billion dollars). It ran over budget by an additional 2 billion and was shut down within three weeks. Observers argue that a full 80% of the cars purchased would have been purchased without the program. It did not influence the economy at all.
Paygo, the policy of paying for all legislative spending "as you go," was reaffirmed by the 111th congress but with an "emergency" exception clause. Obama announced its affirmation, as if he was serious about being fiscally responsible. 4.2 trillion dollars later [including interest], "paygo" wound up being nothing but a joke.
Gas at the pump has increased more than a dollar a gallon since Obama became president. He has done nothing to prevent 5 dollar per gallon fuel at some point in the future. We all know what happens when
that happens. He has had plenty of time to prevent this circumstance.
Obama gave tax breaks for electric golf carts. If the cart had a seat belt and cost less than $5,500, you could get a full deduction on your tax return. One individual purchased 10 of these puppies and resold 9 for a rather nice profit. We have no idea what Obama was thinking on this one.
The 9/11 Responders Bill, as drafted by the Dems, was originally priced at 8.4 billion dollars. After the GOP got through with their negotiations, the price tag dropped to a mere 4.2 billion dollars. While the American people were somewhat the winners, the Dems and their cashed soaked partners were somewhat the losers.
In 51 weeks, Obama made 58 speeches on ObamaCare and, then, complained that he had not done enough to get his message out.
Obama approved of $1.78 per gallon subsidy for corn ethanol fuel, a fuel that is much more the pollutant than gas.
Obama made 726 speeches and/or public appearances in 2009. If we count speech prep, speech delivery time, travel back and forth from events and, allow a reasonable 3 hours per appearance and travel, Obama spent 9 months of the first 12 doing nothing but talking. Add another month playing golf and 332 White House evening events, and we have one busy celeb. But, we needed a president. Geeeeeesh.
He came into office promising 11 dollars per hour for the minimum wage. There was no increase in that wage, legislated by the 111th congress.
Obama went to Georgetown University, a Catholic school, and ordered the name of "Jesus" covered before he would give his commencement speech. This is why I, the editor, give Obama no credit for being a Christian or, even, a friend of Christianity. When it comes to The Faith, he is clearly a phony. He is the first president to hang a Mao ornament on a Christmas tree that celebrates life and salvation. He is the first president to skip out on Christmas Sunday in "church" -- two years in a row. He is the first "Christian" president to enter a mosque, get on his knees and pray to allah.
Obamawas awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing but get himself elected as President of the United States. He is an arrogant, self-absorbed loser for accepting the distinction. After the ceremony, Ed Rollins said this:
Obama, now, must earn it.
link.His trip to Copenhagen, the
Global Warming conference, proved to be a monumental bust by all accounts.
October 2, 2009, Obama fails in his effort to win the Olympics for Chicago. Seven days later he would receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
July 22, Obama jumps to a stereotypical Black conclusion: " . . . . the Cambridge police acted stupidly."
Pictured is Obama teaching Chavez the interlocking "handshake of friends." We think Chavez is not smiling. Rather, he is laughing at Obama. Friends ? Geeeeesh. Obama is embarrassed by Hugo Chavez at the Summit of the Americas. His theory of respectful social networking among communist leaders of the world has proven to be a dismal failure. We are all the more threatened by the alliances of Chavez/Russia, Brazil/China, Iran/Chavez, Turkey/Russia, Afghanistan/AlQaeda, France/Iran and China/North Korea.
He promised to close GITMO within a year of taking office. Turns out, he didn't know what he was talking about.
Add to this list, his claim that unemployment would stay under 8% if he spent a billion dollars in the Stimulus package. Turns out, he didn't know what he was talking about.
He promised transparency and still claims to be the most transparent of presidents. Turns out, there is no truth to this scenario whatsoever. He has refused Freedom of Information requests for the White House visitor lists. He refuses to release his college transcripts. And closed door meetings abound.
Michelle Obama has a law degree, passed the bar examine, but voluntarily surrendered her license.
LINK The official Illinois record is here:

This was captured here:
Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois but has since been white washed. In doing so, the date was incorrectly entered as 1899 - all other information has been deleted. Why ? Why quit her license? Why whitewash the records? And if they can do this, did they do the same regarding his birth certificate?
Read the excellent research article here:
Fellowship of the Minds. The blog owner captured the information referenced in the article before that information could be expunged. Good for him. Good for us all !!