Yesterday, we carried an article on the resurgence of the so-called dealt panels. ObamaCare originally included reimbursements to doctors who gave end-of-life counseling to their senior citizens. The reimbursements were to be paid out every five years. Because of the angry response of the American people, Obama pretended to hear their voice and remove the provision.
But, that was a terrible lie. Mr. "I know better than you" Obama has added these payouts to the regulatory part of the law. But, instead of every five years, he has made the reimbursements payable on an annual basis.
Midknight Review believes that because these add significant cost to ObamaCare, the regulation can be reviewed and rejected by congress. No doubt, the cost will be several billion over the course of a decade.
Can anyone say, "taxation without representation?"
The reimbursements were added via regulations and amount to an end-run around Congressional approval. The new death panel arrangements were written by Heir Berwick, the head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The following quotations have been credited to Big Don. Midknight Review has researched these quotations and believe them to be, in fact, comments Berwick has made. Here is why you should be concerned:
Berwick's has cited the need for health care to redistribute resources from the rich to the poor. He has spoken highly of Britain's health care system, often seen as refusing particular life saving services or medication to seniors because of cost factors.
His most frequently quoted rhetorical absurdity is this statement: Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional. The statement comes from a video presentation of Berwick and is his comment, without controversy.
In another quote taken from the same video, we have this: “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care - the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”
So, there you have it. Once again, Obama and Comrades have been caught telling us one thing while doing just the opposite. It was Saul Alinsky who preached "the ends justify the means" and Obama in hip deep into the tactics of Alinsky. He has proven to be the most dishonest of all presidents, even more so than Richard Nixon. Obama simply does not take no for an answer, whether that "no" comes from Congress or from the courts. He is a proven enemy of the state and we need him gone, come 2012.
Here is Berwick's in his own words:
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