Look, I am as middle class as they come. I never "have any money" to give away, but the grassroots rebellion to what has been going on since the hippie days of Nancy Pelosi and the Marxists traitors making up a huge part of the Baby Boom generation, can no longer be allowed free reign in this nation.
It was my generation that fought Viet Nam. It was my generation that threw bags of crap at their returning classmates. When I typify the current Left as "Marxist," I know exactly what I am talking about. I went to college with these punks. They were anti-government back then, insisted on a degree of free speech that allowed them to protest, scream "f you" in the public square, burn down construction sites and care lots, and generally make asses of themselves.
And now, years later, these brain dead druggies, my ex-classmates, are running our government and teaching your kids in school - and I am not just talking about college. They are opposed to the private home schooling of your children, to those who now stand in opposition to the federal government, to any sort of speech that offends members of their coalition, and to the use of the written or spoken word if stated in opposition to their agenda (hence, Obama's assault on the Internet and free political speech in general) . They are One Worlders, secularists who laugh in the face of God, existentialists to the core having no moral authority but that which is borne of their own creation.
Without the United States of America, there would be no freedom in this world. This bunch of mindless misfits sees no reason to oppose the likes of Putin or Chavez or Castro or the midget morons ruling Iran and North Korea. Say what you will about Bush 43, at least he believed in the high value of political freedom and the necessity of sharing that political value with the nations of this world.
As I write this post, the youth in Iran and Venezuela are in open rebellion to freedoms lost and what are "we" doing to support them? Absolutely nothing.
Will this nation continue to be the Evangelist of Freedom or surrender to the Marxist/Mao collectivists that currently have great influence among us?
Understand that the nature of the political battle has changed. Why the notable increase in venomous rhetoric? Because those of us who thought the Beatles were idiots have finally woken up. The shit-throwers we went to school with have moved into our Universities (ala Bill Ayers) and our government without any protest from their better half. Today, that better half has come alive. We would still be asleep if not for Obama. His decision to leave off incrementalism while moving toward fundamental change has caught our attention. Because of Obama, the radical nature of the Leftist Marxists has become undeniable. His wife, no less the radical Black Liberationist, has talked about the need to develop a "new history," to "move in a different direction."
The snakes have crawled out from under the rocks. They are, now, in plain view and their "sudden appearing" has scared the hell out of all of us who love the ideals of our Founders and respect the sacrifices of our military. Understand that Leftist One Worlders have never fought an American war, have never rescued peoples from their tyrannical over-lords, have never shown honor to the reason our friends and family members fought and died for this great nation. Never.
Ah, but I digress !!
Point of this post: to do a little ranting and to say this: Get off your gigantic couch cushion (that would be your butt) and write a check for $25. Click on the link, below, and give before that gift becomes meaningless.
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