Support Right to Work Laws. Here is why.
A new born infant dies nine hours after a 9.1.1. Another victim, a senior citizen dies hours after making a 9.1.1. call that was never answered.
Where and why?
Where: New York City but it will be your home town sooner or later.
Why: Because of the public unions refusal to do what the rest of us are doing.
Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York, recently made a decision to cut 400 employees from the Sanitation Department. That decision became all the motivation public unions needed to stage a protest during the recent snow storm in New York City. Understand that the Mayor's cuts did not effect snow removal services.
In response, the unions committed to two strategies as protest to the Mayor's decision. First, 10% staged a "sick out" and did not show up for work. This was done during the most critical time in the City's fight against the "blizzard of 2010." And those who did report for work were encouraged to stage a "slow down." "The citizenry of New York be damned !!!" was the battle cry of many of our public unions.
Want to fight

Everyone knows of the Unions' thuggery. . . . . everyone. Doubt that? Do this, then. Put a sign similar to the one on the left on the back glass of your car or on the garage door at your home.
Go ahead and do it. You know what will happen and it ain't good. . . . they use clubs and guns and stuff.
Point of post: unions have outgrown their time. They force non-union folks to pay "dues." They steal the dues collected and spend it on Marxist political policy, often against the will of their own members. In many states, they have been successful in preventing private non-union shops and contractors from getting work. And now, they want to pass "card check," a process that allows the unions to "capture" a shop or employer without a secret ballot.
In California, the state owes the various unions some 600 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities. In Illinois, unfunded union liabilities is close to 400 billion.
In Obama's Stimulus Bill, only Unions are allowed to bid on contracts valued at 25 million or more.
Again, time for a change. And if Unions do not want to be a part of that change, the war is on.
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