Crowd estimate for the One Nation rally - 150,000 to 200,000 total.

The lie from Crooks and Liars -- a well named Marxist blog, put out this headline and "news" story:

Here's Your Enthusiasm Gap: One Nation Rally Draws More Attendees Than Beck's “Whitestock” — Enthusiasm gap, schmenthusiasm gap. Without the benefit of months and months of advertising and promotion on Fox News Channel (in fact, I'm only aware of Ed Schultz on MSNBC doing any kind of TV promotion) . . . . . .

Editor's notes: the top picture is the only crowd shot of the One Nation rally, held today. The second photo is from Honoring America. The two lanes on each side of the long reflection pool hold approximately 100,000 in each lane --- two hundred thousand total in the two lanes combined.

You will never see a photo similar in view to the lower, Beck rally, photo. Why? Because it would disprove the crooks and liars claim.

A review of the One Nation photo shows the lane on the right to be less than "full." As a result, we believe the On Nation rally gathered between 150,000 and 200, 000 people - a great crowd but one dwarfed by the Honoring America rally. The photo's do not lie.

You can click on the photo's to enlarge.

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