Iman Rauf returns to the controversial designation, The Cordoba House, and offers a veiled threat if the Mosque must be moved.

The problem of the New York mosque was complicated, last night, by an appearance of the man in charge of the project, the imam Rauf, on the Larry King show. We give you some general notes regarding the imam and his recent book title before getting into some important facts swirling around this controversy. First, the controversial book title translated from the Arabic publication: Introducing Sharia on the site of Ground Zero. In view of this title, the question as to the intent of the mosque is given resolution. To argue that the the purpose of this mosque is in support of conciliatory purposes to be act and think stupidly.

The original name of the mosque project was The Cordoba House Project; Cordoba Spain, being the largest Muslim city in the world in the period 700-1000 AD, a tribute to the conquering Muslim hordes. "Cordoba" is a Muslim tribute name. The name of the project was changed from Cordoba House to "Park 51," in an obvious effort to lessen hard feelings against the claim that this mosque would be a Muslim monument to the perceived victory at the Twin Towers.

On the Larry King's show, last night, Imam Rauf told the stand-in host for King that the project had been renamed, "Cordoba House," once again. The return to this inflammatory name adds the angst of this situation.

And then we have this veiled threat, on the same show:

Talking about the prospect of moving the mosque to a new site, Rauf charges that the religion of peace, Islam, would be inflamed to violence, and great harm might come to those who are seen as Islam's enemies. That is the implicit message of these spoken words:

"The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack. The danger from the radicals in the Muslim world to our national security, to the national security of our troops . . . will be increasingly compromised if the radicals are strengthened. . . . If you don't do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world."

And there you have the full case as we understand it today. Rauf, the man in charge of this project, titles his recent book, Introducing Sharia on the site of Ground Zero. Secondly, he returns to the controversial project name, The Cordoba House. And then there is the matter of the veiled threat of exploding violence from the religion of peace and love.

We know the truth even if some do not.

You should know that the project will cost more than $100 million dollars. Currently, it is reported that the project has $18,225 in the bank.

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