When applied to the WH, "duplicitous" not only applies to the Obama foreign policy "strategy," its slang translation goes like this: "Talking out of both sides of one's mouth."

<<<  Egyptian Favor v Resentment for America,  because of Obama, 

 Our comments begin with this headline: 

Here is the problem:  Obama keeps pretending he is a tough guy,  telling the radical Muslim hordes in the Middle East,  “All options are on the table.”  So why the angst at continued and increased sanctions,  unless,  of course, one is a Muslim sympathizer? 

Look at his track record in the Middle East.  

1.  He criticized the "Bush War" in Iraq,  only to admit that his opposition was pure D politics.  Source:  National Review, here.  More than this,  Bush won that war if (a) you count 40,000 dead terrorists compared to 4,000 Americans and an end of campaign that saw 4 to 8 American deaths per month,  most of which were killed in accidents; (b) if you realize that his persistence brought democracy to that country and an after war treatise that allowed for American troops to remain in Iraq as advisers,  insuring that the 4000plus dead Americans did not die in vain.  Obama reversed all this,  and has sold out Iraq and a successful war effort, again,  for the sake of politics.  

2.  His backstabbing efforts in Egypt and Libya have helped to destabilize the entire region,  opened the door for radical Islamic occupation in those two countries and put hundreds of thousands of Christians at risk.  His policies in this regard,  are nothing short of impeachable offenses and has  left regional leadership (Saudi Arabia,  Israel, the military in Egypt,  Iraq) openly critical of Obama and publicly wishing for a return to the Bush Doctrine.  

3. Polls taken in Israel,  show Obama with a 6% approval rating,  far below anything related to Bush's numbers and less than 20% in the Muslim communities.  They see Obama as weak,  his policy of   "leading from behind" a not-so-funny joke. 

4.  His war in Afghanistan is an embarrassment,  with no exit strategy,  and the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan feeling betrayed by this clown who claims to presidential minded.  

 5.  Al Qaeda and its allies,  are stronger than EVER before, having a presence in 20 countries in the Middle East,  Africa and parts of Europe and the United States.  The fact that Obama has no interrogation policy for the killers within the Muslim communities,  has proven to be growing source of concern and has left the US at a disadvantage when it comes to the war on terror.  

6.  Finally,  his "red line" for Syria has been another misguided joke.  He completely backed off his "strong stance,"  to no one's surprise in our country.  Recent reports make it clear that chemical weaponry remains in Syria as the Russians gain the upper hand in negotiations,  in that part of the world.  The US has no influence for good anywhere in the Middle East,  and is regarded as untrustworthy when it comes to be an ally.   

As an Update:  Let's not forget that Obama abandoned the Iranian youth in their "Green Revolution,"  as they begged for help from Obama and the United States.  

Rogers: Obama's Middle East trip a bust - POLITICO.com

 Fox News:  Saudis lament, 'we have been stabbed in the back by Obama'



  1. How does Obama's foreign policy compare with the past president who killed 100,000 Iraqis, 4000 Americans, spent $3 Trillion and left Al Qaeda in Iraq even stronger?

    Not to mention his failure to get Osama

  2. Let's get the facts straight, shall? He spent around $240 million per year from 2003 through 2008. He and his army, killed 40,000 terrorists. Of your "100,000" number, the Muslims terrorists in Iraq killed 90% of them, not Bush. AND Bush was only following Bill Clinton's plans for Iraqi "regime change," anyway. Those WMD's ? Where did Bush get that idea? From Bill Clinton, you moron and almost all of "9/11" was planned during the last year of Clinton. While I do not blame Clinton for that terrible day, still, looking back, we MIGHT have been able to prevent that disaster. With Obama, we would not have even tried.
