Anyone remember Pelosi saying, "[ObamaCare] will create 400,000 new jobs almost immediately, after it is signed into law?"

December's jobs report gives us one of the worst reports in months:  74,000 jobs created or filled in December  -  about half the number needed to keep up with population growth,  AND,  half of these jobs are or were temporary.  Keep in mind that we are in the fourth month of ObamaCare.  

Did ObamaCare play a role in this dismal report?  No one knows because no one in the Marxist Media is asking. 


  1. Smithson is another money changer in the temple of God. He hates giving to the poor, hates minorities,bprograms that support poor kids and the elderly and that offer healthcare to those who couldn't afford it.

    This sums up Smithson's priorities and how YOU are paying for what he is selling -
    Costs to the average American taxpayer:

    Foodstamps - $36 a year
    Corporate subsidies - $870 a year

    (source: Cato Inst)

    There is a place in hell for Smithson.

  2. Does anyone know what this clown is talking about? come to Denver and let's have a public debate. I think I could get us an audience at the University.
