6.7% unemployment, the lowest of the Obama Presidency versus 91.8 million (up from 80 million in 2008) no longer looking for work, the highest total since 1978. What is the Obama Administration not telling us?

From Zero Hedge.com,  something you need to know about the declining unemployment numbers. 

People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels

Tyler Durden's picture

Curious why despite the huge miss in payrolls the unemployment rate tumbled from 7.0% to 6.7%? The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%. 

And the piece de resistance: Americans not in the labor force exploded higher by 535,000 to a new all time high 91.8 million.

The jobless, laborless recovery continues to steam on.


  1. Smithson hates American .... wants America to fail.... tries to make you think it is, despite the recovery.


  2. Our resident Marxist opponent hiding behind the banner, “Anonymous,” is surprisingly consistent. Again, he ignores the facts, and goes with insults and slander. I am not the one who believes the United States needs "fundamental transformation." I am not the one who creates a different flag (the reader should google "Obama's flag"). I am not the one who hates the 13 original colonies and our founding documents. I am not the one who ignores Supreme Court decisions (Obama has done this twice) and continues with a personal agenda that rejects established law and order.

    The reader should know that all of the information in my post-proper, came from the Department of Labor . . . . . . . Obama's department of labor. "Anonymous" has only slander as a response because the facts destroy almost everything he supports. He offers the perfect example of the liberal - conservative debate: slander, name calling, and, often, the use of racism, to counter facts and substantive argument. The post-proper and the comments of "anonymous" being the most recent example . . . . . in the future, there will be similar examples of the intellectual divide that is today's political debate.

  3. Ignoring a supreme court decision? Like the Affordable Care Act?

  4. Nobody is ignoring ObamaCare. I refer to Sackett v EPA, and the most recent Supreme Court decision regarding gay marriage in Utah. Obama has lost more Supreme Court challenges to his agenda than any president in history. THATs what I had in mind.

    1. The editor is definitely correct. The Dems, under Obama and only under Obama, have decided to negate the Constitution by simply ignoring it AND the federal court system, when it makes decision the administration does not find agreeable. No question this is their tactic and, I think, given enough time, the majority of Americans will see this lawlessness for what it is.

    2. Yea right. Who is against the constitution?

    3. Smithson.... who is all about defunding the EPA? The GOP polluter enablers of course.

      WV voted in the last 4 presidential elections for the party against environment regulations. Now those people in WV can't drink their water.


    4. Note to readership: Once again, our resident socialist simply cannot stay on the subject. As far as the EPA is concerned? I am for shutting down ANY and ALL agencies that ignore Supreme Court decisions that run against their unsanctioned agendas, write their own legislation and/or refuse to answer to anyone in congress, Any questions?
