Want to know why the entitlement population (Romney's 47%) often does not care about looking for work. Maybe this is the answer:

Welfare pays more than minimum wage in 35 states and more than $15 per hour in 13 states (and "yes," Cato misspelled "minumum" wage).As a matter of fact,  in California and Washington State (at least) a person using "Section 8" housing arrangements,  food stamps, taxpayer credits and more,  can "earn" $37,000 per year for a family of four  . . . . .   and they are still on welfare and they are still poor.  


  1. Smithson wants to take food from mouths of children and disabled people... a big percentage of those on welfare.

    He is evil.

  2. Another Left wing lie and America knows it. What exactly is your complaint with the graph above? The same poverty limit ($23,000 per year for a family of four) puts these people in the top 7% of the worlds population. We are not poor and no one is starving, in this country. Just know, dear reader, that our resident opponent, does not work and is angry that he might have to actually validate his existence by supporting himself. I do. All my friends do, and now, it is Mr Entitlement's turn. Those who do not have the education to hold a job in this day and time, need our help. But the rest, do not.

  3. Actually Smithson just wants to take food from the blacks.

  4. You do know that this childish, 6th grade, playground strategy is not working. No one believes any of these accusations. We have Jim Crow because of Dems and we have a 60% unemployment rate for black males, after 5 years of Obama, because of . . . . . . . ah . . . . . Obama.

  5. We had Jim Crow because of voter suppression, exactly what the GOP is trying to do now.
