Throw "co-sponsoring" into the title above. There isn't enough room to work it in. This isn't the first time the Republican party in Arizona has censured and/or rebuked John McCain. Here's the latest:
John McCain

The Maricopa County Republican Committee, the state’s largest Republican group, censured Senator John McCain for “a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats.”
This official censuring of McCain happened during the annual mandatory meeting of the Maricopa County Republican Committee. Nearly 1,500 precinct committeemen (PCs) were in attendance. The vote to censure McCain passed overwhelmingly — 1,150 in support with only 351 opposed.
After McCain held several closed door town halls on amnesty last year, state Republicans expressed their outrage with his stance on rewarding illegal aliens with citizenship.
McCain betrayed the state by proclaiming his intent to “Complete the Dang Fence” when running in his 2010 primary, then turning around and pushing through last year’s “Gang of 8″ Senate amnesty bill that would gut border security and hand tens of millions of illegals instant legalization. Read more at Top Right News
Sheriff Joe Arpaio attended the meeting where the entire Republican Congressional delegation showed up, and the crowd gave Arpaio loud sheers. But McCain didn't attend and neither did Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), both of whom doubled down with Gang of 8 and got that amnesty bill through the Senate -- a true betrayal of the people of Arizona and the entire United States. H/T Weasel Zippers  and BadBlue
In September 2013 McCain was rebuked for "deal-making," not for supporting LaRaza or conniving with the Gang of 8. Read the Rebuke Resolution here along with details of the "deal."
About building the "dang" fence, here's his arrogant quote in Vanity Fair (yes, Vanity Fair) and he didn't use the word "dang."
[Prior to 2004], McCain went to work with Democrats such as the late Ted Kennedy to bring sanity, and humanity, to the nation’s long-running debate over illegal immigration.
In 2006, I watched McCain tell a group of sensible, blue-suited Republican businessmen in Milwaukee, who asked about immigration, “By the way, I think the fence is least effective. But I’ll build the g**damned fence if they want it.” [Vanity Fair on 2010 Arizona Senate Republican Primary Debate , Nov 1, 2010] Source: On The Issues
The question always comes up among my friend, "how does McCain keep winning elections," and none of us can come up with an answer. At one time, the POW issue was accepted, but now...his close friendship with John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, and amnesty, amnesty, amnesty...and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)! What I've come up with is, his wife Cindy is richer than than most and and their son Andy Hensley is a powerful Arizona beer distributor executive and has served as president of the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. You know how dangerous the Chamber of Commerce is to U.S. sovereignty today, but if you don't know, just do an online search. It's something you need to know.
McCain has no intentions to build a fence, a "dang" fence, a damned fence or any kind of barrier to keep illegal aliens, of all ethnicities, out of this country. I'm 41 has more on the censure.
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